What to Pack in an Emergency Hospital Bag

BLOG What to Pack in an Emergency Hospital Bag By Lydia Haile Fassett, BSN RN When we lived in tornado country, everyone in my family had a “go bag” in the room where we went to shelter from tornadoes. The go bags had what we’d need if we had to leave quickly: change...

How to Teach Your Child to Swallow a Pill

BLOG How to Teach Your Child to Swallow a Pill  Teaching a child to swallow a pill is something many parents dread. And it can be challenging. Most children (and even adults) struggle to swallow tablets and capsules. If you think about it, this makes sense. After all,...

Supporting Parents of Children with Advanced Pediatric Cancer

BLOG Supporting Parents of Children with Advanced Pediatric Cancer By Jonathan Wall, Co-Founder and President of Zach’s Bridge There is a huge gap in the mental, emotional and social support available to families facing the late stages of a child’s cancer. Parents and...

Coping With Grief During the Holidays

BLOG Coping With Grief During the Holidays When you’re grieving the loss of your child, holidays are incredibly hard. Instead of bringing joy and good tidings, the holiday season often just increases feelings of sadness and loss. Even if you don’t celebrate a winter...