Helping Children Cope with Disruptive Events

BLOG Helping Children Cope with Disruptive Events By Kathy Pfeiffer, RN, BSN, Area Director, Clinical Operations, BAYADA Home Health Care Summertime usually brings a lot of fun – pools, long days of sunlight, picnics and more. But it can also bring an uptick of...

Introducing JustSibs (Formerly SibSpace)

BLOG Introducing JustSibs Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of JustSibs, a place just for pre-teens and teenagers who have a brother or sister with an illness or injury. If you’ve been to CopingSpace before, or lived through it, you know – a child’s illness...

Preparing Your Child for an MRI Scan

BLOG Preparing Your Child for an MRI Scan Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI for short, is an increasingly common diagnostic test for the simple reason that it’s safe, effective and painless. Like an X-Ray or CT scan, it takes detailed pictures of the body’s organs...