How to Have Difficult Conversations with Friends and Family

BLOGSocial Distancing and Health Precautions: How to Have Difficult Conversations with Friends and Family October 29, 2020 With the approach of flu season, a global pandemic, and caring for a child with a life-changing illness or injury, it’s likely you are taking a...

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Kid’s Cancer Sucks: A Father’s Financial Trauma

BLOGKid's Cancer Sucks: A Father's Financial Trauma Gavin Kerr / June 23, 2020 “Even if treatments are covered by insurance, outside costs are exorbitant. You’re already dealing with an overwhelming situation, and now you have to face something people stress about...

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Coming together as a school community in a time of uncertainty.

BLOGComing together as a school community in a time of uncertainty. By Colleen Cerebe / May 19, 2020 As parents, educators, and caregivers, we are all facing uncertainty in dealing with our new routines. Finding and coping with a new “normal,” whether it be for work,...

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Resources for Siblings of Ill and Injured Children

BLOG Resources for Siblings Whose Sibling Has an Illness or Injury April 29, 2020 (Updated March 8, 2021) When a child is diagnosed with a serious illness or injury, a family’s entire world is rocked and the focus, understandably, goes first to taking care of the...

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COVID-19 After Childhood Cancer: One Mom’s Perspective

BLOG COVID-19 After Childhood Cancer: One Mom’s Perspective April  7, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is a scary time for all of us. There is so much uncertainty, fear and isolation, and very little concrete information on what to expect. For many, it feels like stepping...

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March Is Social Work Month, But What Even Is a Social Worker?

BLOGMarch Is Social Work Month, But What Even Is a Social Worker? By Ariel Sugarman-Orens / March  24, 2020 If your child is being treated for cancer, or another childhood illness or injury, there is a good chance that a social worker is part of your interdisciplinary...

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Fun Ways to Entertain Kids at Home

BLOGFun Ways to Entertain Kids at Home February 18, 2020 Winter can be tough for any parent or caregiver. The weather keeps you inside most of the time and as February comes around, you’ve just about had enough. The kids are restless but you’ve done all the crafts,...

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How to Keep Siblings Connected During a Hospital Stay

BLOGHow to Keep Siblings Connected During a Hospital Stay January 25, 2020 One of the hardest parts of in-patient treatment isn’t necessarily the scary tests or painful medical procedures; it’s being separated from those you love. This is true for the entire family,...

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How to Have a Realistic, But Joyful, Holiday

BLOGHow to Have a Realistic, But Joyful, Holiday Updated November 7, 2020 The holidays can be a time of wonder, joy and togetherness, especially for children. But they can also be a time of stress, worry or sadness. There’s something about the holidays that can...

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